Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Just Ramblings

Not a lot to say today, even though it's been several since I took the time to write. Wrote my sermon today and that always seem to toast the brain. Funny since I like to tell everyone it comes from my heart.
Yesterday Carole and I got a wonderful surprise, our granddaughter was in town and wanted to spend the night! What a joy she is! I can hardly wait for her to learn how to talk. We rolled around on the floor, kicked and squirmed and laughed - it was great fun!
By-the-way, if you don't already, you really should check out 'My Babe's Blog' from this site. She's the true writer and her stuff is awesome. Of course, not as awesome as she is, which I'm sure you'll agree once you read it and catch a glimpse of her heart and humor.
I read a neat likeness of the human soul to the temple in the OT by Abraham Kuyper. It sort of goes like this. We all have an outer court - the public domain of work, shopping, & school. Then we have the inner court where we would invite family and special friends. But then, way down deep, is the holy of holies - that spot that share with no one but Jesus. I liked this analogy. The question then comes to this, 'How is my life in there, at the holy of holies with God? because how I am doing there directly effects how I am doing in the other 2 courts, and whether or not I'm being authentic.
Catch you later.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the shout out. And I also like the analogy of outer and inner court.

Anonymous said...

How right you are!!!