Thursday, May 24, 2007

Stagnant -YUK!

My wife and I took a stroll yesterday in the lovely park next to our house. Along 1 of the borders runs a creek; crystal clear, bubbling & sparkling & refreshing. Along another border runs a brook that empties into the creek. It too is clear and lively and refreshing - EXCEPT for this one area of it. Over time several tree branches have fallen into it an eventually created a natural damn. You can tell it wasn't a one time event, it has built up, maybe even one branch at a time. There's still a trickle of water running past the damn, so the brook from there to the creek is still clear and lively. But on the opposite side of the damn, the water has become scummy and stagnant and dank. I wanted to break lose the damn and let the water run clear again; but I didn't, and now I'm not sure why, except I was too 'busy' walking to stop and get a little dirty.
If you know anything at all about me by now, you know I love to 'spiritualize' such goings on. It is so easy for the power and flow of the Holy Spirit in us to get 'damned up'; especially when it happens one 'snag' at a time. And when it does, over time, we too become scummy and stagnant and dank. And what we need is someone to take the time and who is willing to get a little dirty to come along side us and help us break up that 'log jam' of fears or hurts or frustrations or disappointments so our spirit can run clear and bubbly and sparkling once again.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful word picture. Good stuff. You, more than anyone I know, has gone along side people and undamned them up.

RK said...

Amen...good stuff for sure.