Monday, May 7, 2007


Yesterday we went to Spiderman III. The action stuff was fine, but in general I felt it was too drawn out, too many villains, & dialogue too corny at times. But it had a great line that caught my attention. "We are made up by the sum of our choices. And each of us the opportunity to chose to do what is right." Great line! So very true.

We spend way too much time and emotional effort being worried and angry and frustrated about what someone else is or isn't doing to themselves, or others, or us. All we really need to be spending our time at is what is the result of MY choices? If I change them, can I effect my emotions, thoughts, and actions? Sure we can. It won't be the cure-all, because only an active love relationship with God through Christ is that. Only that changes the heart, which changes everything. But even that is a choice! It should be the 1st choice - everyday. It absolutely is the best choice. But we all would be a lot happier if we spent our days thinking about our choices and choosing what's right, instead of what anyone else is doing. I'm gone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved the line also, but it is not as easy at it sounds. Some choices aren't clear cut and often two choices seem good. But again life is made up of our choices and I hope to choose right as often as possible.