Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Why Oh Why?

I have a confession to make. Even though it's been the Easter season and God has been awesome through it all; I have wanted to avoid going to Him in prayer. It just didn't 'feel' right! Oh I went, and I prayed, and I felt He even spoke to my heart; but it wasn't right! It was like speaking to a parent that you know still loves you; but there's like this invisible wall that's there. Ok, I'll say it, it's like they are not really all that happy with you. That's how I felt. Good thing I know I can't trust my feelings!
Anyway, God sort of chewed on me on Monday about avoiding Him, when all he wanted was for me to return to the way it used to be. You see, I've been the one holding out on Him. Not intentionally; but still, at the same time, I did know. You see, I stopped looking at Him with all my heart, and I started to look at people. And, I know better, because whenever I do, I get discouraged. At 1st I think I'm discouraged because of the people. But that isn't the truth. I get discouraged because in them I see me; and what I really need to see in me is Jesus.
Why oh why do any of us ever go there; or am I all alone in this journey?
Anyway, like I said, He's been on my case about it every time I would go and pray, so this morning I took the time to sit and listen. Then I cried! Why does He love us so much when we do Him so wrong?
He reminded me of the way it was when I 1st started being a pastor, how I would walk to the church whistling and singing His praise. I even had the guy who lived next door to the church come by one day to find out what I was so happy about every morning because he couldn't figure it out. Wasn't too long after that he was whistling and singing too! I so-o-o want to get back to being that guy, that pastor again! Today, Christ reminded me how. I haven't felt the best today; but my heart is ready again for tomorrow and His joy fills my soul tonight as I head home. I'm ready to sing again, because I'm looking at the right Person. Why oh why do we ever stop?!


Kitty Tuberty said...

Wow!!! You sound like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. If you could just stand back and take a look at all the good you have done. I think this week was really tough for you with Nebraska and all. A vacation may feel really good just about now. Just don't stop believing in yourself, no one else has.

Anonymous said...

It is so good that no matter how many times we fail, he is always there and loves us and can't wait for us to turn around and walk towards him.

Anonymous said...

I my heart went out to you! You are human and we fall and as you told me at Christmas time, Jesus loves us no matter what we have done and he loves us dearly. You are a wonderful pastor and when I see you -- you make me smile and feel happy. That is God coming out of you and you are a reminder of what life is all about...having a relationship with Jesus and how much He loves us all!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, PJ I just finished reading Braska's blog, you sang her the perfect song..."Jesus Loves Me, this I know!" He is all you need. Heb 13:8