Friday, April 27, 2007


Yesterday I accepted an invitation to go down to Busch stadium and watch the Cardinals play baseball. It was a grand day, and the home boys won!
I enjoyed watching the fans - they cheered every good play and timely hit. They stood cheered for #5 when he to bat with the bases were loaded. Even though it rained at the end, still many remained to cheer the teams victory when the last out was made.
I enjoyed the new score board with all it's information, bells & whistles. I especially took note of the 10 World Series Championship flags that so proudly stood at the top of the new board. Everywhere I looked I saw reminders of last years accomplishment of that feat. I even saw several proudly showing off their replica World Series rings.
On the way to the car after the game, I noticed a building I had never seen before, the Bowlers Hall of Fame. It's located in down town St. Louis, on the corner of Broadway and Dick Weber Ave. At 1st I was surprised, even made some smart remark; but hey, bowlers need their accomplishments recognized just like the baseball players 2 blocks away do.
As I thought about it this morning, it got me thinking. How well have I celebrated accomplishments in my family? How well do we celebrate accomplishments in the family of God? How well do I celebrate Christ's accomplishment on the cross for the forgiveness of sin? How well do we celebrate God's accomplishment of Christ's resurrection that assures the eternal destiny for all who believe and confess and are changed? This coming week end, no matter where you might live, go to a church of your choice and celebrate! Unashamed and unabashed! Celebrate Christ! Celebrate life in Christ! Celebrate your church! Celebrate your family! Celebrate God, Who's accomplished it all! Celebrate, celebrate, and dance to His music!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

It Ain't Cheap

Just finished writing Sunday's sermon - it's about grace, God's grace. You and I can be the best we can be, live wonderful lives, and sleep like little babes; but apart from Christ we ain't holy, or heaven bound. We have to accept what Christ accomplished on our behave on the cross. We ahve to put aside our good, and accept His. Stand before God in the only name that matters to God, and it ain't yours. Ther's nothing easy or cheap about it. The cross was heavy. The blood was real. The cost was so high it would of bankrupt you and me. So Jesus paid it all for us. Call it simple - that's OK. Call it a gift - that's what it is. But don't ever call it easy or cheap. It's God grace to all who'll believe; and it ain't cheap!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Shadow

Often I will go in the sanctuary and pray. There's this really cool cross in our church that is free standing, and is usually placed off to one side. One of the 2 prayer altars happens to be located over by it. That is usually the one I kneel at to pray. This morning as I was doing just that I happened to notice that the light from the window behind the cross was casting it's shadow directly over me. I wish I was better at expressing what I felt in my soul. It was thrilling, yet humbling; joyful, yet overwhelming; sobering, yet encouraging. It was exactly where I needed to be, and where I need to live; in the constant shadow of the cross of Christ, free from condemnation, completely forgiven and fully loved. Hope filled me as I took this all in and began to sing His praise from my heart. My friends, it was worship in the shadow of the cross, and exactly what I needed for today. Isn't God awesome!

Monday, April 23, 2007

'Cracked' Pots

What a week end! State meetings for the church, family from S.C., Carole returned(YEAH!!!), kids from Champaign joined us, and the house was and still is quite full. I'm taking a break and escaped to the church for a bit! We've had a lot of fun, played some golf, played some cards, and over ate at every meal.

While at the state meeting, Dr. Kerry Robinson shared a lesson about handling the holy. He called it a precarious position to be in; which it truly is! Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians that God has been kind enough to trust us with this work. As soon as I read that I was shaken in my spirit. this work is the awesome responsibility to share the gospel truths and such a way that people see Christ - not only through the spoken word, but also through the lived life. To think for even a moment that God has entrusted that to the likes of me is overwhelming. There is no way I could ever worthy; and the funny thing is He already knows that! And still He trusts!

Paul goes on to write We are like clay jars in which this treasure is stored. We suffer, but are never crushed. Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up. When we get knocked down, we get up again and again. You know what I learned, we're all 'cracked' pots, held to together by the only power that can to it, the only power that matters, the only power that carries any of through until tomorrow - the power of God's love! And if that was enough for Paul, then it's motr than enough for me! I may be, heck I am a 'cracked' pot; but I'm a loved 'cracked' pot!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Missing Her

Well, I thought I'd deviate a bit from the 'norm' - what the heck is 'norm' anyway - and just let everyone who reads this - all 2 of you - know that I really miss my wife! She's on this great trip to Montana, where she was born and raised, to see her folks, take hikes, pick wild flowers, clean up pine needles and cones, fix meals, and play a lot of games. Sounds great doesn't it!

Her and her friend Karen have made this into an annual event. I get to stay home, usually because I have spent my vacation time by now. I love her being able to go - thank you Karen -but I miss her the moment she leaves. I count the nights until she returns. I rattle around the house and toss and turn through the night. I'm a mess!

It's been a little better this year because Levi, my youngest son, and his wife April moved here recently and he's been stopping by to keep dad company. That has helped immensely, at least with the 'rattling around'.

Carole and Karen leave today from there to begin the 3 day journey home! YEAH!! It's suppose to snow there, so please pray. The 'homecoming' is Saturday, only 3 more nights to go!

Now, just because it is my 'norm', I had to ask myself - if God had left (which He says He will never do), would I noticed? Would of I missed Him the moment He was gone? I know how I answered that question to self; but how would you?

Monday, April 16, 2007

Being A Real Man

Rod Cooper, wrote, "Males are born; men are made. God uses the difficulties of men's lives to stengthen us so that we can better serve those who need our help and leadership."

That statement gave me pause to think about what he wrote, and what I have experienced in my own life. Difficulties will do one of 2 things in our lives - make us or break us.

You could argue the case for simply ignoring them; but I haven't ever noticed them going away because I ignored them. In fact, they usually got worse. No, I think they really do either make us or break us. We either face them and grow both stronger and wiser; or we become passive and grow weaker in body, mind, and spirit.

So I guess I'm saying this. Mr. Cooper is sort of right. Males are born; men are made. And God does use the adversities or difficulies of life to make us sronger. BUT, it's up to you! God will do His part; will you do yours and take the 'stand' against difficult moments; knowing God will strengthen you for each one, if you will call on Him to do so!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Cardinal tickets!!

This afternoon I was offered Cardinal baseball tickets, 4 or 5 rows of the infield, 3rd base side! How awesome is that! Now all I have to do is find someone to go with me! The place will be packed and everyone will be so-o excited for Sunday afternoon baseball at Busch!

Well, got me thinking about another reservation I have for an even greater event! The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ! I have my ticket on reserved and my seat is already selected and waiting - just like Sunday! Only the one in God's 'stadium' so way, way cooler! That place too will be packed and everyone so-o-o-o excited! Unless of course, you happen to NOT have a ticket! Have you got your? I hope so, it will be out of this world!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

O Man of God

I want to share a quick update on Braska. She's doing much better! Last night I got to cuddle her and sing her to sleep. It was one of the highlights of my entire day! She's off of all IV's and learning how to take a bottle. She's not too happy about that bottle thing, but she's learning. You see, with her, it doesn't come naturally. Because of her mouth shape, she literally has to learn how to nurse in order to survive. There's only one way to teach her - by doing it! By putting the nipple in her mouth, in the correct position and forcing her to suck. It's a process she doesn't always like; but it's 'life' for her.
This morning I was reading in 1 Timothy and I ran across this in chapter 6, "But you, O man of God, ... pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith,...". I dawned on me that none of those character traits are 'natural' in me. I wish they were, but they just are not! That's why the words pursue and fight are so important! I have to want those qualities. Then I have to go after them and learn to make them a part of me. Then I have to be persistent in living them out in my life. I don't have to like it; but it's life for me!
The real key in that Scripture is But you, O man of God. Without God in my life calling me to that higher standard, encouraging me, strengthening me for the day, and loving me when I fall down; I would never make it! But because God is in my life, because He is the One calling me to the higher standard of life, empowering for life; I will pursue and I will fight, even when I don't like it, because for me it is life. And if Braska can learn so she can live, so can I!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Why Oh Why?

I have a confession to make. Even though it's been the Easter season and God has been awesome through it all; I have wanted to avoid going to Him in prayer. It just didn't 'feel' right! Oh I went, and I prayed, and I felt He even spoke to my heart; but it wasn't right! It was like speaking to a parent that you know still loves you; but there's like this invisible wall that's there. Ok, I'll say it, it's like they are not really all that happy with you. That's how I felt. Good thing I know I can't trust my feelings!
Anyway, God sort of chewed on me on Monday about avoiding Him, when all he wanted was for me to return to the way it used to be. You see, I've been the one holding out on Him. Not intentionally; but still, at the same time, I did know. You see, I stopped looking at Him with all my heart, and I started to look at people. And, I know better, because whenever I do, I get discouraged. At 1st I think I'm discouraged because of the people. But that isn't the truth. I get discouraged because in them I see me; and what I really need to see in me is Jesus.
Why oh why do any of us ever go there; or am I all alone in this journey?
Anyway, like I said, He's been on my case about it every time I would go and pray, so this morning I took the time to sit and listen. Then I cried! Why does He love us so much when we do Him so wrong?
He reminded me of the way it was when I 1st started being a pastor, how I would walk to the church whistling and singing His praise. I even had the guy who lived next door to the church come by one day to find out what I was so happy about every morning because he couldn't figure it out. Wasn't too long after that he was whistling and singing too! I so-o-o want to get back to being that guy, that pastor again! Today, Christ reminded me how. I haven't felt the best today; but my heart is ready again for tomorrow and His joy fills my soul tonight as I head home. I'm ready to sing again, because I'm looking at the right Person. Why oh why do we ever stop?!

Monday, April 9, 2007


This will be a quick post. Our little 5 month old grand daughter is in the hospital again. Dehydrated and underweight are her major issues. Keep her in prayer.
She is constant reminder for me of just how fast life can swing form good to not so good! Last week she was doing fine and then, almost overnight, she went downhill and being rushed back to St. Louis for medical. That my friends is what life is like! The real constant in life I have ever found is Jesus. No matter what happens or what life brings to my door, Jesus never leaves me or frorsakes me - He is just there, waiting for me to call upon Him. Doesn't mean He 'fixes' it! Just means He there and will go through it with me; whatver the 'It' may be. And quite frankly, I have learned that that is enough. I hope you have.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Maunday Thursday. Maybe the most powerful time of connecting and worship of the year!
For me, it's a time of miracles! When folks are able to put aside themselves and simply see and honor and love someone else. Over the years I've witnessed relationships restored, emotional barriers knocked down as feet are being washed. It's a time of humility, when another stoops to wash your feet. This year, I no longer have toe nails on 1 foot, will I be self-conscious? Yes. Will I push past it? Yes. Only because I believe it's an act of humility and obedience.
Tonight is not about me, but being like Jesus and encountering Him in others and at the cross; as well as a pan of water. Like so much of life; it is never about what we do, but the heart from which we do it!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

On Sunday, someone asked how my granddaughter was doing. If you don't know, my grandaughter is just over 4mo old, has down's and has underwent open heart surgery just 6 wks ago because she had a hole in her heart. She is doing great!! She laughs and wiggles and plays with her hands and feet and almost rolls over and can scream when she gets upset - and it is all great!! It is simply amazing what a fixed up heart can do for a person!

That got me thinking about another kind of 'fixed up heart'. We all enter this life with a 'hole in our hearts'. It's that space that was intended and designed for God's Spirit to live and dwell. With out being 'fixed', it's an empty hole and we're sick, from the inside out! The only way to 'fix' it is by 'open heart surgery'. You have to open your heart and receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, allowing Him to be the new Lord of your heart bringing in new life, new energy, new joy! This coming Easter, don't just attend church - embrace Christ and get your 'hole' forever fixed.