Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hope is amazing

I facilitate a Bible study every Wednesday morning at a nearby senior citizens assisted living facility. Today we had an atheist join us. His only question was how could I believe in an omnipotent God? We had quite the conversation. Of course, and belief comes down to some very basic truths. 1) There's some reason or foundation for our belief. 2) All beliefs are based on some form of faith. 3) It's always a matter of choice as to what you believe. Like I told him, it's not that you can't believe in an omnipotent God, but that you won't believe. It's a choice.

As we talked, what 'came to the top' was the matter of hope. I asked him what was his hope for tomorrow or better yet for eternity. He really had none. When we die we die according to my new friend. So I told him this. I live every day full of hope in a Living God and His promise of heaven that awaits me upon my death. Now if by chance I am wrong, and there is no God, what have I lost? I live with hope every day that gives me joy and peace. If I am wrong, and all life ends when I die, I've loss nothing. On the other hand, If I'm right, I've gained everything. Then I asked him, what about him. He lives everyday believing this is it. Not too much hope or joy or peace in that. And on the day he dies , if he's right, he dies. But if he's wrong, he misses out on heaven and spends eternity in hell. Seems to me that hope is indeed amazing, because I win, no matter what; and according to his belief, he loses, no matter what.

Lots more went into the conversation, and we parted friends. Next week, although he may not show up for the study, I will find him and give him a book about 'How to Deepen Your Relationship with God. You see at one point he said he wanted to believe, it was just so hard. Which told me, he's not really convinced that he's right. Isn't hope amazing! Pray for him please. His name is Ed. thanks.


Unknown said...

You do love the challenges don't you? Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

This is so true. You are amazing.