Monday, July 2, 2007

It Feels Good...

I won't tell you from where I started my day, at least not from the frame of mind; but let it suffice to say I started it on my knees. Then this afternoon I had this wonderful experience happen to me. A couple preparing to get wed came for some counseling. I sat and listened and prayed and before I knew it God was 'blessing their bones' through what He was leading me to say. I know, because the tears did flow and their countenance did change. To me, that experience is simply amazing! And it feels so-o-o-o good to be in a position to be used by God to make a difference in another person's life. So good, I often wonder who is really the 'winner' in such events, them or me. In truth, I guess I don't care. I just hope and pray God will always find me in a place to be used by Him to touch someone else's life for His glory. Way to go God!


Anonymous said...

In my experience when God is involved, everyone is a winner!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, even when the tears don't flow, people are moved. It always surprises me, when you are surprised.

Anonymous said...

You are a man of God! And you amaze me how you use God in your life to enhance my life and bring me closer to God. I appreciate everything you do!!! Cindy

Anonymous said...

Been in that counciled seat with you and Carole...and even tho sometimes I get upset with what God inspired you to tell me...I'm still here (27 years in Dec)
Like down hill skiing (a sport you don't endulge in) God picks me up and cradles me in His hand like the chair lift up to the top of the slops, then He lets me go(along with my will.) At my age I perfer the green abd blue slops.
(watch out for the snow boarders)
Everything is going too well. I'm too into what I'm doing, I skip devotions, prayer, praise, Bible study, serving, worship. All the slop signs whiz by, oops how did I get in here!!! (Gee I wonder?) Black double diamond staight down complete with huge moguals (the bumps). Oh yeah, PRAY! I find myself face down in the snow, again and again. When I reach out He's there and will carry me back up the mountain. I am such a spirtual slug. Some days I wish God would just dump me off the chair lift and I'd fall down the other side of the Mountain.

Thank-You PJ I needed to cry.

PJ said...

I totally agree Truth, the trick is involving God

Carole dear, being surprised is what I hope I never lose.

Thank you Cindy. But it's really not me, it's you being receptive to what God is doing.

Meshi, you're welcome and hang in there. There was movie line I used recently in s sermon that goes something like this. Never give up! Never surrender! God doesn't!