Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Have you considered prayer?

I had a talk with a person today who's from a foreign country and has moved here and currently working in a Christian book store. You know what they told me? 'Christian's are the hardest people to please.' They said they get so frustrated because Christian's are so mean and difficult. They told me I would be surprised by the names they have been called because the speak with an accent. I told them, I probably wouldn't be too surprised, after all I've been a pastor for over 20 years, 24-7 dealing with Christian's.
This isn't the 1st time I've heard such tales. My kids attended a Christian college and worked in the community. You wouldn't believe the stories they would bring home about how this or that well known Christian acted in public. Or the stories their friends told about how they hated to have Christian's to come to their table to be waited on because they demanded so much, stayed so long, and tipped so little.
Now I know there a precious few of you out there that read this blog, but there's enough that if we'd decide enough is enough we could do something about it. When you witness it, put a stop to it. Speak up; but don't challenge the the inconsiderate perpetrator - instead ask them if you could pray for them. You and I really can make a difference. And this idea that Christian's are the worse of the worse has to change if we're ever going to stand a chance to win a few to Christ! So let it start here!
One more challenge. Next time your eating out, ask your waiter or waitress if there's anything you can pray about for them when you bless your meal. Believe me, they'll appreciate it and you'll get great service to boot.


Anonymous said...

I should comment. I do read everyone of your entries and get such a blessing. Even though I have seldom commented.
How true , about the prayer entry.
We get so busy and say too many quickie prayers, instead of really getting down and having a serious talk with God. Also it comes so easy to critisize than to offer prayer to someone. Thank you for the reminder. Kitty

PJ said...

Thank you for sharing and the kind words, and I couldn't agree more. God is waiting for us all to get serious about prayer. Have a great day.