Friday, June 15, 2007

Listening is tough

I have a friend who came down with infantile polio when he was just a tyke and it has greatly effected his speech. When I get a chance to visit him, I have to sit and watch him speak and listen very, vey closely to what he's saying in order to understand him. I really have to focus on what he's saying in order to get it. I am reminded when I am there, just how hard listening is.

Today as we visited, it struck me how much effort I was putting into listening to him, but how little effort I sometimes (ok most of the time) put into listening to God. It maybe comes down to the focus part of listening. Do I really focus on hearing what God wants to say to me? Or am I more interested in, did God hear what I had to say to Him? Did I slow down, sit still, and really concentrate so I could hear?

I love it when I have these moments from God! He's still talking to me, and every now and then I hear. And that is pretty cool for me! God, the God of the whole universe wants to talk to me! WOW!! I just have to remind myself what it takes to really listen from time to time so i can hear.

Have a great week end.

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