Monday, June 25, 2007

Doing right because it's right

Sorry about the absence. Funny thing is, apart from my folks, I'm not even sure if I was missed. But then, I don't write this to get recognized. I had a very busy week with VBS, my regular duties, and planting 19 trees at our home. So I took a break from this.

This morning as I was getting caught up on emails, my sister sent me one that is a video story about Rick Monday, snatching away an American flag before a couple of protesters could set it on fire during a baseball game in 1976. Monday was the center fielder for the Cubs and he raced over and saved the flag as the protesters lit the 2nd match to set it on fire. It has been designated one of the top 100 plays of major league baseball. He did the right thing for the right reason.

Lots of us do the right things in life, but do we do them for the right reason? At VBS this past week, my job was to be the everyday director. That meant I spoke to the kids every morning, giving some sort of pep talk. I took care of troubles, corrected some attitudes, encouraged the workers, and shared the salvation story towards the end of the week. Most of it I did because it was expected of me as the pastor. It was the right thing to do, but my reason for doing it wasn't the greatest. Maybe you can relate?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nope, I always do the right thing for the right reason...well, except I tell little fibs. I tell those to cover up get the idea.