Thursday, June 14, 2007

Father's Day

Hey, all you dads out there who may read this - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!

As I wrote the sermon for this Sunday about the Perfect Father, which of course, is God the Father, I kept thinking about my early years of fatherhood. Did I love them for who they were and Whose they were? Did I offer them the pathway of unconditional acceptance? Did I make known to them the way and availability of restoration when they did screw up? Truthfully - not always; in fact, probably too many 'not always'.

Too many times I forgot they were really just kids, and not just any kids; but they were our kids and God's kids. Too often I put conditions on the acceptance they sought. And while restoration was always available, the pathway wasn't made very clear to them.

So, like so many other dads, while I will enjoy the day, I will know in my heart it isn't because of me that they all turned out so great! I'll give that honor to their heavenly Father; the only Perfect Father! God bless.


Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day to you. I cannot wait to hear your sermon.

Anonymous said...

Which kids turned out good? Ar eyou talking about other kids?