Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Out Of The Mess

This past year we've been remodeling several of the rooms at the church, this week we started on the tots room. What I've noticed is every one of the remodels starts with a mess and some inconvenience. In this case there's sheet rock, lumber, and painting supplies stacked out into our coffee house. And as they rip into the remodel, there will be plenty of debree and dirt. So, one has to learn to keep in mind the end result, which will be a beautiful, like new, room for the tots in our church. In other words, the mess will be worth it.

Same is true for us as God's people. Let's be honest, we're pretty much a mess. And those outside the church that we are to be loving to Christ are pretty much a mess. And we mess up those around us and cause them some degree of inconvenience. In this process of restoration there will be some 'debree' and also some 'dirt' that will have to get taken care of and thrown out. But what we all have to remember is, the end result will be worth it. Out of the mess, in time, will come the beautiful creation God had in mind from the very beginning. And yes my friends, the mess will be worth it!


Unknown said...

Excellent post. I think I like it because I am such a mess.

PJ said...

Aren't we all! Thank goodness we get clean in Christ!