Thursday, May 29, 2008

Are Your Roots Showing?

I have the privilege to lead a Bible study at a nearby senior citizens assisted living center. One of the things I have observed about them is that they say whatever is on their mind at that moment. At the last study, the lady in charge of activities for them stopped by to share some information with them. Now she is probably a lady in her mid to late forties, who apparently cares that her hair is turning gray and colors it to hide it. It was obvious that she was in need of another coloring, so much so one of the ladies in the study decided it was her responsibility to let her know that her roots were showing. Slightly embarassed, the activities director looked at me and asked if I could somehow use that in my Bible study, at which everyone sort of chuckled.

But of course, that got me thinking, and there are several applications to be taken away from that experience. "Do onto others" comes to mind, as well as "love one another", and then there's "speak only encouraging words". Then I got thinking about her roots. She must go to some expense and trouble to cover-up her graying hair, only for it to eventually show again for all others to see; and for her to repeat the process of cover-up again & again. As Christians, do we do that? Do we try to color over the 'gray' in our lives so that others won't see? I tend to think we do, especially when we are in our church settings where we should be most able to be who we are, gray & all.


Unknown said...

Yes, my roots are showing. And you are so right about what church should be. We tend to point out the gray instead of accept it as part of the person.

She Rose Up said...

How cool this is! Yes, my roots are definitely showing! But, my appt is next week! Ha!

But, seriously, I was chatting on the phone with the Children's Pastor of our church just this a.m. We were talking about "our kids!" And she was on a kick about "roots" - its a long story, but basically the phrase came up in a conversation "getting to the root of a matter" and then it stuck in her mind, then she was weeding in the garden and thinking and saying I have to get to the root, I have to find out how to get to the root, to their hearts!"

So, this just cracks me up! I'm going to e-mail this to her! She will get a kick out of it!

Thanks again, May God bless and refresh you in all you and Carole do!


PJ said...

Thank you for the blessing, and for being such a blessing to your 'blog buddies'