Friday, May 23, 2008

Payment Is Never Late

I have a friend who was talking to me about the 'harrasing' phone calls he was receiving simply because he was behind in a payment to a creditor. I asked him about it, and he told his long tale of woe, and how it just wasn't very fair that he ended up with all this debt, and the harrassing phone calls. I attempted (probably not very well) to have empathy for him and encourage him to work it out with the creditor so the calls would stop & he could get the debt paid; whether or not it was 'fair'. I doubt he took my advice.

Made me think about the debt I once owed God because of sin, and how Jesus paid that debt for me. It wasn't His to owe and it surely wasn't fair for Him to suffer in my place on the Cross; but He did, and not just for me, but for all who believe, and accept it, and call Him Lord. That's WAY BETTER than empathy!! That's real love for His Father who sent Him to die in our place, that we might live. When we do we get to experience what REAL DEBT FREE living is all about!

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