Friday, February 8, 2008

I Know You!

Every week I have this marvelous opportunity to lead a Bible study at a senior citizens assisted living center. What I marvel at is that even though the average age is in the 80's, and these folks have attended church all their lives, they are still hungering and thirsting for more. Now, I'm not 'big' on religions, because I have watched them tend to seperate the body of Christ instead of uniting the body of Christ. I'm 'huge' on being a Christian, when it means you are striving towards Christ-likeness. For the most part, that isn't a message this group of folks has heard all their lives; but yet, they are earnestly embracing it and growing in their relationship with Christ.

This week we are looking at John 17, and Jesus is praying that his disciples would have eternal life. And then he goes and gives his definition for what eternal life is: to know the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom he has sent. We had quite a discussion about everyones idea of eternal life. Then I asked them what it means to know God. We all agreed, that's a difficult concept; but it must be possible or Jesus would not of prayed like he did. So what can it mean?

Well, do you love someone? If you do, and I sincerely hope you do, would you say you 'know' that person? Now, if your teen, you may say no. Maybe even if your in your 20's, you would still say no. But if you're in your 30's and up, and you have spent several years with that person, and you have a better understanding that the world isn't about you; you would probably say yes to that question of knowing them. How did that happen? 2 key components: You have spent time together, and you asked questions about them.

There I think we have the answer to knowing God. Spend time with him, and ask him questions about him. What does he love? What makes God smile? Laugh out loud? Become sad? Anger him? What does think about the state of the world? The USA? What can you do for him? I challenged those 80 something 'seekers' to do that this week. They said they would. I trust that will. It will be interesting to see what they have learned in one week. How about you, us; are we up to the challenge to get to know God, and Jesus Christ his Son? If we are, we too may discover God's ideal of eternal life.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like the idea of asking God questions. The trouble I have is sitting still long enough to hear Him.