Monday, February 4, 2008


I met this morning with my youth director and he shared this interesting tidbit with me about our youth. They apparently have this 'inside line' they will use when appropriate. The youth have noticed that at home, the parents can be in the midst of a heated discussion between themsleves , or even with their children and suddenly the phone will ring. Instantly the parent answering the phone can go from shouting to a sweet and congenial "Hello", like everything in their world is just rosy, forgettign that just instant ago they were angry and speaking loud.
The youth have decided that the lesson for them in this is that no matter what we might say, we can absolutely change our attitude and behavior when we really want to, and we can do it in an instant. So now, when they see another youth who needs to have an attitude adjustment they hold their hand to their head in the universal symbol for a phone and say "hello" in their sweetest voice. Seems to work for them. Maybe we all need a "hello" from time to time to remind of us what's really important? One thing is for sure, your kids are watching and learning from you. Be sure you're sending the messages you really want them to learn.

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