Often I will go in the sanctuary and pray. There's this really cool cross in our church that is free standing, and is usually placed off to one side. One of the 2 prayer altars happens to be located over by it. That is usually the one I kneel at to pray. This morning as I was doing just that I happened to notice that the light from the window behind the cross was casting it's shadow directly over me. I wish I was better at expressing what I felt in my soul. It was thrilling, yet humbling; joyful, yet overwhelming; sobering, yet encouraging. It was exactly where I needed to be, and where I need to live; in the constant shadow of the cross of Christ, free from condemnation, completely forgiven and fully loved. Hope filled me as I took this all in and began to sing His praise from my heart. My friends, it was worship in the shadow of the cross, and exactly what I needed for today. Isn't God awesome!
The good thing is to be at the shadow of the cross, even when the cross is not in view. In the everyday of life. I would like to live there always, but I get tangled up in the dailyness.
"Our God is an Awesome God!"
"Isn't He Wonderful!"
"I'll cast all my cares upon Him!"
"Our God Reigns!"
"Down at the Cross!"
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