Monday, April 23, 2007

'Cracked' Pots

What a week end! State meetings for the church, family from S.C., Carole returned(YEAH!!!), kids from Champaign joined us, and the house was and still is quite full. I'm taking a break and escaped to the church for a bit! We've had a lot of fun, played some golf, played some cards, and over ate at every meal.

While at the state meeting, Dr. Kerry Robinson shared a lesson about handling the holy. He called it a precarious position to be in; which it truly is! Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians that God has been kind enough to trust us with this work. As soon as I read that I was shaken in my spirit. this work is the awesome responsibility to share the gospel truths and such a way that people see Christ - not only through the spoken word, but also through the lived life. To think for even a moment that God has entrusted that to the likes of me is overwhelming. There is no way I could ever worthy; and the funny thing is He already knows that! And still He trusts!

Paul goes on to write We are like clay jars in which this treasure is stored. We suffer, but are never crushed. Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up. When we get knocked down, we get up again and again. You know what I learned, we're all 'cracked' pots, held to together by the only power that can to it, the only power that matters, the only power that carries any of through until tomorrow - the power of God's love! And if that was enough for Paul, then it's motr than enough for me! I may be, heck I am a 'cracked' pot; but I'm a loved 'cracked' pot!


Anonymous said...

It is good to be a cracked' pot, filled with God's love. When your just a full pot you pour out a little here and there. A Cracked' pot leaks out all over the place, all the time.


PJ said...

Good thought Meshi! Thanks for reading and sharing.