On Sunday, someone asked how my granddaughter was doing. If you don't know, my grandaughter is just over 4mo old, has down's and has underwent open heart surgery just 6 wks ago because she had a hole in her heart. She is doing great!! She laughs and wiggles and plays with her hands and feet and almost rolls over and can scream when she gets upset - and it is all great!! It is simply amazing what a fixed up heart can do for a person!
That got me thinking about another kind of 'fixed up heart'. We all enter this life with a 'hole in our hearts'. It's that space that was intended and designed for God's Spirit to live and dwell. With out being 'fixed', it's an empty hole and we're sick, from the inside out! The only way to 'fix' it is by 'open heart surgery'. You have to open your heart and receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, allowing Him to be the new Lord of your heart bringing in new life, new energy, new joy! This coming Easter, don't just attend church - embrace Christ and get your 'hole' forever fixed.
Laughing and wiggling in the Lord. Reminds me of Kitty.
Once again, great analogy. That's a neat pair of eyes you've got there for seeing opportunities for God-nuggets.
Hope you don't mind if I share your wisedom with my Monday Ladies Bible study group? We sent up many prayers for Braska. and they will love to hear from her Grandpa just how wonderful she is and the testemony for Jesus Christ she has already inspired!
Love You,
Have a great Resurection Sunday!
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