Thursday, April 5, 2007

Maunday Thursday. Maybe the most powerful time of connecting and worship of the year!
For me, it's a time of miracles! When folks are able to put aside themselves and simply see and honor and love someone else. Over the years I've witnessed relationships restored, emotional barriers knocked down as feet are being washed. It's a time of humility, when another stoops to wash your feet. This year, I no longer have toe nails on 1 foot, will I be self-conscious? Yes. Will I push past it? Yes. Only because I believe it's an act of humility and obedience.
Tonight is not about me, but being like Jesus and encountering Him in others and at the cross; as well as a pan of water. Like so much of life; it is never about what we do, but the heart from which we do it!


Unknown said...

The heart from which we do it. So very true.

Kitty Tuberty said...

I tell you what. That was a very powerful night for me. So much happened in just one night. I learned so much. I was happy to be a part of it.