Just finished writing Sunday's sermon - it's about grace, God's grace. You and I can be the best we can be, live wonderful lives, and sleep like little babes; but apart from Christ we ain't holy, or heaven bound. We have to accept what Christ accomplished on our behave on the cross. We ahve to put aside our good, and accept His. Stand before God in the only name that matters to God, and it ain't yours. Ther's nothing easy or cheap about it. The cross was heavy. The blood was real. The cost was so high it would of bankrupt you and me. So Jesus paid it all for us. Call it simple - that's OK. Call it a gift - that's what it is. But don't ever call it easy or cheap. It's God grace to all who'll believe; and it ain't cheap!
If it weren't for God's grace. I would have no, "Blessed Assurance" that heaven will be my final destination. PTL
Have a great day
So very true and what a nice reminder to bring to mind on this
early morning in Montana. Thank you. Kitty
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