Saturday, February 13, 2010

Toddlers Walking

Our 1 year old grandson is just beginning to walk. A few weeks ago it was a few hesitant steps, & now its 15-20 in a row. I love how he does it. He pulls himself up by something to steady himself, gets his balance, raises his arms apart & above his head, and with a grin that stretches from ear to ear he takes off, one slightly wobbly step after another until he either reaches his destination, or he runs out of gas or gets off balance and flops himself down on his rump. Only to crawl to next the nearest support object & do it again... and again... and again. He's not ready to run yet, but soon. Until he is, it's one baby step at a time.
Our life of faith is to be like that. Too often, we put to much pressure on 'baby' Christian's, or allow them to put to much on themselves. They aren't given the opportunity or time to learn how to 'walk' in Christ. They miss the joy, of simply 'walking', because they are expected or trying to to walk like an 'adult', when their still a 'toddler'. We & they have to realize, their 'walking', is going to be a little wobbly, & from time to time they're going to take some flops on their rumps. But if they will find someone they can trust for support, and they will keep on trying to 'walk', again... & again... & again, eventually they will learn how to run! But until they are ready & steady & they can stand on their own, it's one baby step at a time.
God bless you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And sometime when you have been in the faith for a long long time, you can still wobble.