Thursday, October 30, 2008

Why do we test it?

The other day my wife set up 'shop' in our kitchen to cut hair for two of our sons and myself. Our 2 year old grand daughter was there, and was told to stay out of the kitchen because of the hair all over the floor. She so much wanted to go into that kitchen! She'd run right up to the edge of the living room carpet, testing to see what we do. Every time, someone would caution her, and she would stop. It came my turn, and her antics continued. Then, she did something different. She slowly walked up to the edge and just stood there. I told her not to come any further. Then, with the look of defiance on her face, she took one foot and stretching it across the line, touched her big toe on the kitchen floor. Of course, her folks verbally corrected her; but she had done what she had set out to do - she had stepped where she was forbidden to go, and she got away with it!
We probably all have seem this in our lives. And I'm also pretty certain we have all done what she did. But why do we do it? And why do we do it when it comes to God and sin? He warns us not to; but we stretch out and touch our 'toes' where we know we are not to go. And then we wonder why we have problems in life?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God knows us better than we know ourselves. In His word many times he even instructs us to to be like little children. Why? So He can teach us, polish us, refine us, and give us all kinds of testimonys of how He has blessed / worked in our lives in trials (when we step out of line and He pulls us back) And in triumps when we squile with delight and praise His name.

PS I bought the book "The Shack," I don't have much time to read at home...PTL Jares has to attend AA meetings. With flash light in tow I wait in the car and read. Also P-sing TL I live in the MS where this can be done with the engine off and I won't freeze or be hypothemic. M