Monday, July 7, 2008

How Small?

I know it's been awhile (Cindy), so thanks if you're still checking my blog.

We recently had a lightening strike at the church that destroyed our phone system, our fire security system, and my computer. There was some minor stuff, but that was the big stuff. We are currently getting everything replaced. I do love my new computer! It was time for an upgrade anyway.

Here's what's so interesting about this. We had double surge protection with back up battery on both the phone system and my computer. We have lightening rods on the roof cap every 20 feet, each one individually grounded. We have regular times of prayer for the church. One would think we were fairly well protected, I know we did. But the lightening found it's way in through the phone line; a line not even 1/4 in diameter. And everything connected to the phones was destroyed.

Now, that got me thinking about us and the enemy of our souls. I would venture a guess that most of you reading this would consider yourself well guarded. Probably read His Word, pray, give, and serve were needed. I know I do. But I am reminded of a scripture in John were Jesus is telling his disciples it's time to go (He's heading for Gethsemane and his last night on earth). He's telling them that satan is going to come and look him over, looking for a crack were he can get in and deceive Jesus, or find some fault with him; but Jesus says he won't find any. Now if the enemy is going to search Jesus for a chink in his armor, what will he do with us? That's why it SOOOO important to put on the full armor of God everyday; because we never know when 'lightening' is going to strike!


Anonymous said...

So very true, that is why I have to stay connected with my church family...they are my lightening rods...they keep me grounded. Love ya and thanks for being my friend. Cindy

Anonymous said...

YOur God inspired thoughts in every detail of your life never cease to amaze me and keep me God inspired.
Once Again
Shalom, Meshi

Unknown said...

Lucky for me, I'm connected to you. I could never never make the analogies you do.

PJ said...

I like that Cindy, our church family being our lightening rods, pretty cool!

Meshi, knowing the physical difficulties you have endured & overcome with Chris is what I consider truly amazing.

Luck has nothing to do with it, lady. I'd be a fool NOT to love you.