Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dare to Risk

When our kids were small and we went to visit our parents, which one or the other has always lived quite a ways from us, we would start at night with the kids all tucked in and drive until we got there. It wasn't until much later that I realized I had missed the 'journey' with them, because I was so focused on the destination. As Believers, I think we do the same thing. Well God reminded me of this during a conversation the other day about life; that the living is in the journey & it's the journey that makes the living.

As I thought about what makes the journey come alive, I remembered when I used to ride motorcycles. I loved riding, even though I haven't for some time. On a motorcycle you feel so alive! You notice everything, you stay alert to what's going on around you, your energy level goes up, there's a thrill in your heart! A large part of that is because when riding, there's a risk factor involved. At almost any moment you can 'lose it', and losing it is usually NOT a good thing. It's the taking of the risk, that adds to the thrill of the ride.

Same is true in this spiritual journey of life. It's the risks we take that add to the thrill of the journey. What risk have you taken lately for Christ and His kingdom? If you're just warming the pew, trust an old bike rider, you're not really living the journey! Blessings!


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Wireless, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

PJ said...

Thank you 'wireless', I will check out your blogspot in the near future.

Unknown said...

There is definately more of a risk when not on the pew. But as you said, you feel alive. Good post.

She Rose Up said...

Sometimes life itself seems like such a risk factor that it drains your zeal to do anything else on your heart...I know that sounds horribly weak in faith...but as a parent...that is where I am at...survival does not agree with my temperment or mindset...but, I have been unable to get out of this mode the last few months...not for more than a day or two anyway...

My heart agrees with your post...knows its true...but yet I can't figure out how to get I just am making the most of today...and tomorrow, I will make the most of tomorrow...

Thanks again!

PJ said...

Freetofly, I do believe you hit upon to answer; it's living one day at a time in the boldness of His Spirit. Blessings