Thursday, March 27, 2008

Out of Whack

As for most pastors, Easter is a hectic time of year. I don't believe a one of us regrets the results of Easter (Where would any of us be without the Resurrection?). This year, for me, there's the added stress of multiple family issues that, being the oldest brother in the states, I have the honor to to be involved in. And it truly is an honor and a privilege.
In a conversation I had yesterday with someone from the church as we waited for the results of her husbands Cath test, I realized just how much I haven't enjoyed the mid-fifties of my life. I am watching my parents life fade as their age begins to catch up to them, along with the difficulties and illness that brings. At the same time I get to watch my children struggle through their dilemmas of adulthood - making ends meet, and the emotional 'curve balls' life tends to throw every ones way from time to time. And in truth, there isn't a whole lot I can do to change anything.
I used to think I could, especially with my sons, when they were little. I could correct all the wrongs then; but not so much any more. And my family of origin, for the most part has led a healthy and blessed life. No major fiasco's or traumatic events for any of us to deal with (Thank you Lord). Now, well let's say we're being tested, some more than others. So for me, life right now seems really out of whack, and I don't like it. Maybe you can relate?
All I know is in the midst of this 'wackiness', the one constant I have chosen to trust in these past 30 years is more real to me than ever before. That constant of course is Christ. My trust in Him doesn't altar the circumstances around me, or the sense of helplessness I encounter from time to time, or how my heart breaks for those I love as they go through their dilemmas. What it does for me is fill me with HOPE. He loves those I speak of even more than I do, He hurts for them as much as I do, and will see to their needs in ways I cannot manage or even understand; because Jesus is Lord, and I am not. And because of His faithfulness to me in my life for the last 30 years, I chose to trust Him; even when everything around me seems out of whack, I will trust Jesus.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Mid-fifties. Wait until you are in your later fifties. Surrounded with all God's blessings, a few more trials, and oh, yes, grandchildren who now have driver's liscense, are starting to date, not to mention children who are in their upper thirties! More time praying for each one as they grow. Jay's parents, too, are aging both in their upper 80's now. They wish they were still in their fifties!Living is an experience! SB

Unknown said...

Life is out of whack, but luckily Christ is in whack. I guess it's why He's called The Rock.

PJ said...

Sondra, life is more than an experience, it's an adventure; but only because we get to live it in and with Him.

Carole dear, well put!

Anonymous said...

Tooshay! Life is an adventure--did I mention I get motion sickness occasionally on adventures?! I use the anon...because I'm not sure on choosing an identity--ha--remember computer illiterate. But at Phil's I get on blog.Good answer Carole--I like the fact He can hide me in the cleft of the Rock which is He Himself. SB

Anonymous said...

Figured out how to leave my name... I see you smiling....I hear you laughing. Old dogs can learn new tricks---although it takes much trial and error

PJ said...

Tooshay indeed, but the laughter is with love!