Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Don't Forget to Give Thanks

I read a story recently of a man whose wife left him, leaving him totally devastated, doubting God, and robbed of joy. He decided to go to breakfast at a local diner; which wasn't helping. Lot's of people, all keeping to themselves. So he sat alone in his misery, stirring his coffee.
At a window booth was a young mom and her little girl, and after being served their food the little girl asked in a rather loud voice, "Mommy, why don't we say our prayers here?"
The waitress heard her and went over to her and said, 'Honey, We pray here. Will you say the prayer for us?" Then turning to the crowd of folks eating she called out, "Bow your heads, this little ones is going to pray." Amazingly, 1 by 1, heads went down, and the noise of eating ceased.
"Go ahead, hon." With head little head bowed, and her hands tightly folded, and her eyes squinted shut, she prayed this simple prayer, "God is great, God is good, and we thank him for our food. Amen."
It was like a veil lifted in the diner. People smiles & began to talk with one another, "We ought do that every morning." was repeated more than once. Our friend found his whole attitude and frame of mind had changed because of the little girls simple, but heartfelt prayer. He quietly began to thank God for what he did have & he stopped focusing on what he didn't. A smile crept across his face & he started to be thankful again. As he did, his on dark veil of despair was lifted from his heart.
This Thanksgiving, be sure to take some time to remember all the blessings God has directed your way; especially the blessing of Christ, the forgiveness if sin through Christ, and everlasting life in Christ. And as you remember, give Him your heartfelt thanks. Happy Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

I have so much to be thankful for. I attend the best church that has the nicest people. A church that has the best Pastor. I also have a wonderful family. That is plenty to give God thanks for.
P.S. I am also thankful you are okay.

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving is a wonderful event. A time to join together with family and freinds and truely be thankful and give thanks the the Holy One. No trees, tinsel, glitter, santa, grinch, candy, stockings, presents, baskets, egges or bunnies. All the worldly stuff that jerks us away from remembering the real reasons to be thankful for the birth and death of our dear Savior. Let us, "Give thanks with a greatful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ His Son!"
A good meal, simple or fancy, fellowship, and communion with
God and each other.
My prayers are with you espeially today. Happy Thanksgiving.


god god anbdonin.

PJ said...

thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours also. Love and friendship are amazing gifts from God.

Unknown said...

I am thankful for a husband who is toasty warm at night, who always keeps my vehicle in tip top shape, who knows when I need a break from people and helps enable that, who loves God more than anything on this earth, who has a unique sense of humor that is sometimes hilarious and sometimes just plain silly, who knows about all sorts of sports but isn't ruled by them, who continues to grow his brain, who reads, who sometimes gives a foot rub for no apparent reason, who is more worried about his health than he needs to be, but still doesn't quit going to work and works hard while there, who can go to sleep during Murder She Wrote, who in my beloved best friend, lover, and life partner.

PJ said...

Wow, what a sweet sentiment from the woman I love more than life itself. I'm a pretty blessed guy and thankful for you every day I get to spend with you , this side of eternity.