Monday, November 19, 2007

Faith is Risky

Faith has never been about eliminating risk; in order to be safe and secure from all alarm. At least not the faith I read about in the Bible. In fact, it's quite possible that at the very heart of righteousness is the willingness to take a risk. That righteousness has less to do with ' not doing anything wrong' and more to do with 'doing things right'! It's using our God-given gifts to their God-given potential, and that requires risk! Maybe the churches view of santification is too sanitized, and it's view of Christianity is too civilized. Maybe we need to reconsider what made our spiritual ancestors so heroic. (answer: they all took great risk for God's kingdom) God never ever promised a risk-free exitence. There's and old aphorism: "No one ever bet too much on a winning horse." The only regrets any of us will ever had at the end of our lives will be that we didn't seek God more or seek God sooner. Whenever I've been with anyone who is nearing the end of their days on this earth, that's what is on their heart and mind; that's what they regret the most. Don't let that be you. Get out there, take a risk, storm the gates of Hell with a squirt, gun if necessary; but live like the kingdom of God warrior He created you to be!

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