Thursday, September 13, 2007

You jJust Never Know

At my weekly Bible study in the retirement center, one of the ladies asked for prayer for her son who is dealing with clogged arteries and in need of surgery. I asked her if that was a condition that she or her husband had to deal with. She said quite emphatically that not on her side of the family, but her husband had heart issues. 'In fact', she said, 'he had everything wrong, you name it and he had surgery for it.' I started to laugh to myself, but she caught me and asked what. I told her, not to get me wrong because sometimes I have a weird sense of humor, but I doubted that he ever had a mastectomy. She laughed and said as a matter of fact he did. he developed a lump and had to have part of breast muscle removed. You just never know, do you?

I will be gone for a while, not sure I'll be all that missed, but I'll check back in when I get back in a couple of weeks. Take care everyone and God bless.

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