Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Lost & Found Room

At a recent meeting, held in a church, our ministry team met in a room in the back of the church, with a Lost & Found placard on the door. When I entered the room, I noticed the 4 cement weights with attached ropes setting in the corner. Many thoughts ran through my head, but this is the one I would like to share with you today. Until we discover just how desperately we all need Christ's forgiveness, and what it means to walk through life with Him as our Lord, we all go through this life somewhat lost, looking for answers to life's questions with very little success. And every time we make a wrong choice because of the lies we believe, it begins to feel like those blocks of cement looked. Only instead of setting in the corner, they are fastened to our hearts & souls, weighing us down. What was needed was for us to find Christ. When we do, and we accept His payment for our wrong life choices, that weight is removed and cast aside. For me, that's what that room represented. The Lost & Found room where the weights of life's wrong choices are discarded. I hope you have discarded all of yours. Blessings.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Even after accepting Christ we can make lots of wrong choices that become weights around our necks, dragging us down. I've recently shed several weights myself as I've realized my choice to not trust the Lord with my heart and hurts. Terrible decision that weighed me down for years. As I learn to trust him more and more he continues to cut the weights lose, giving me a freedom I've never known! Amazing how hefty a poor decision can be when it hangs around your neck! What a great visual image that gives me. Thanks for the insight!