Thursday, January 3, 2008

Have No Regrets

Have you ever heard of Men's Fraternity? If not, I highly recommend every guy out there to check it out at And if by chance you are fairly new dad, or a soon to be dad, I cannot encourage you strongly enough to do yourself and your child a huge service and get involved somehow and somewhere with Men's Fraternity.

I'm 55 now, and my 3 boys are all grown up, and I am now leading the Men's Fraternity in our church, and so often I learn something that I dearly wish I had known when the 'boys' were still boys. I won't tell you about this weeks lesson; but as I sat here today and prepared, I wept too. I wept for them, for the wounds I inflicted upon their hearts and souls without ever, ever meaning to. Wounds I now see rise to the surface of their lives all too often. Wounds I know will never go away. I love them, and they know that; but that isn't enough to offset the scars I left there. So young men who may happen to read this, please don't do what I did, thinking I was doing right, or at least better. The regrets are too painful.

My prayer for all you dads out there is 3 John 4, 'That you would have no greater joy than to hear that your children live in the truth'. And if by chance you would like to see what a dads sacrificial love really looks like, check out Have great 2008.


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